Tıbbi İlgi ve Uzmanlık Alanları
Tiroid Paratiroid Cerrahisi
Boyun Diseksiyonları
Karaciğer Safra Yolları Cerrahisi
Mide Kolorektal Kanserler
Pankreas Cerrahi
Araştırmalar ve Yayınlar
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A-1 Tez M, Ozalp N, Zulfikaroglu B, Koc M, “A solid pseudopapillary tumour
arising from mesocolon without ectopic pancreas”, HPB Surg.2010
A-2 Ozmen MM, Zulfıkaroglu B, Ozalp N, Moran M, Soydinc P ve Ziraman I, “Femoral vessel blood flow dynamics following totally extraperitoneal vs. stoppa procedure in bilateral inguinal hernias”, Am J Surg. 2010 Jun;199(6):741-5
A-3 Keskek M, Ozalp N, Tez M. “The effects of hormone replacement therapy on postmenopausal breast cancer biology and survival” Am J Surg. 2010 May;199(5):723
A-4 Keskek M, Ocak S, Ozalp N, Koc M, Tez M. “Clinical significance of Hürthle cells in fine needle aspiration biopsy for multinodular goitre ” Endocr Regul. 2010 Apr;44(2):65-8
A-5 Koc M, Zulfikaroglu B, Kemal Isman F, Ozalp N, Acar A, Kucur M. “Serum YKL-40 levels in acute appendicitis. ” Bratisl Lek Listy. 2010;111(12):656-8.
A-6 Ozalp N, Zulfikaroglu B, Gocmen E, Acar A, Ekiz E, Koc M ve Tez M, “Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection after Gastrectomy with D2 Lymphadenectomy”, Surg. Today. 2009;39(11):1013-5
A-7 Ozalp N, Akgul O, Dizen H, Gocmen E, Keskek M, Tez M, Koc M “Peritoneal hydatidosis with ileus” Bratisl Lek Listy. 2009;110(3):197-9.
A-8 Ozmen F, Ozmen MM, Ozalp N, Akar N. “The prevalence of factor V (G1691A), MTHFR (C677T) and PT (G20210A) gene mutations in arterial thrombosis. ” Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2009 Mar;15(2):113-9.
A-9 Koc M, Dizen H, Ozalp N, Keskek M, Karakose N, Tez M. “External validation of a US-derived nomogram that predicts individual survival after gastric cancer resection” Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2009 Jul;394(4):755-6
A-10 Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Zulfikaroglu E, Ozmen MM, Tez M ve Koc M, “Is incidental Meckel’s diverticulum resected safely?”, N. Z. Med. J., 121(1282), 3944 (2008).
A-11 Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Keskek M ve Koc M, “ Primary echinococcal cyst of the thyroid: report of a case”, Surg. Today., 38(9), 833-5 (2008).
A-12 Bilgic I, Ozalp N, Tez M, Koc M. . “Serum bFGF concentrations in gastric cancer patients ” Bratisl Lek Listy. 2008;109(1):8-9
A-13 Tez M, Tez S, Ozalp N. “We need new scoring systems for predicting surgical outcomes. ” Arch Surg. 2008 Apr;143(4):425-6.
A-14 Ozmen MM, Zulfikaroglu B, Kucuk NO, Ozalp N, Aras G, Koseoglu T ve Koc M, “ Lymphoscintigraphy in detection of the regional lymph node involvement in gastric cancer”, Ann. R. Coll. Surg. Engl. , 88(7), 632-638 (2006).
A-15 Zulfikaroglu B, Koc M, Ozmen MM, Kucuk NO, Ozalp N ve Aras G, “Intraoperative lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy using radioactive tracer in gastric cancer”, Surgery., 138(5), 899-904 (2005).
A-16 Zulfikaroglu B, Koc M, Ozalp N ve Ozmen MM, “A rare primary location of echinococcal disease: report of a case”, Upsala. J. Med. Sci., 110(2), 167-172 (2005).
A-17 Ozalp N, Zulfikaroglu B, Bilgic I ve Koc M, “Evaluation of risk factors for mortality in perforated peptic ulcer”, East. Afr. Med. J., 81(12), 634-637 (2004).
A-18 Ozalp N, Ozmen MM, Zulfikaroglu B, Ortapamuk H ve Koc M, “Solid gastric emptying after highly selective vagotomy and pyloroplasty in patients with obstructing duodenal ulcer”, J. Int. Med. Res., 33(2), 245-251 (2005).
A-19 Ozmen MM, Ozalp N, Zulfikaroglu B, Abbasoglu L, Kacar A, Seckin S ve Koc M, “ Histoacryl blue versus sutured left colonic anastomosis: experimental study”, ANZ J. Surg., 74(12), 1107-1110 (2004).
A-20 Ozmen MM, Ozalp N, Zulfikaroglu B, Soydinc P, Ziraman I ve Hengirmen S, “The evaluation of the peak flow velocity and cross-sectional area of the femoral
3 artery and vein following totally extraperitoneal vs preperitoneal open repair of inguinal hernias”, Hernia. 8, 332-335 (2004).
A-21 Zulfikaroglu B, Koc M ve Ozalp N, “Candida albicans-infected pancreatic pseudocyst: report of a case”, Surg. Today., 34(5), 466-469 (2004).
A-22 Ozmen MM, Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Ziraman I, Hengirmen S ve Sahin B, “Staging laparoscopy for gastric cancer”, Surg. Laparosc. Endosc. Percutan. Tech., 13(4), 241-244 (2003).
A-23 Koc M, Zulfikaroglu B, Kece C ve Ozalp N, “A prospective, randomized study of prophylactic antibiotics in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy”, Surg. Endosc., 17(3), 1716-1718 (2003).
A-24 Zulfikaroglu B, Zulfikaroglu EE, Ozmen MM, Ozalp N, Berkem R, Erdogan S, Besler HT, Koc M ve Korkmaz A, “The effect of immunonutrition on bacterial translocation and intestinal villus atrophy in experimental obstructive jaundice”, Clin. Nutr., 22(3), 277-281 (2003).
A-25 Koc M, Ozalp N ve Zulfikaroglu B, “Major Surgery with Guillain–Barré Syndrome: a Case Report”, J. Int. Med. Res., 30 (6), 601-604 (2002).
A-26 Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Ozmen MM ve Koc M, “What happens to the lost gallstone during laparoscopic cholecystectomy?”, Surg. Endosc., 17(1), 158 (2003).
A-27 Ozmen MM, Zulfikaroglu B, Kece C, Aslar AK, Ozalp N ve Koc M, “Factors influencing mortality in spontaneous gastric tumour perforations”, J. Int. Med. Res., 30(2),180-4 (2002).
A-28 Copeptin is a predictive biomarker of severity in acute pancreatitis.Isman FK, Zulfikaroglu B, Isbilen B, Ozalp N, Ozmen MM, Bilgic I, Koc M. Am J Emerg Med. 2013 Apr;31(4):690-2.
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler
B1. Zulfikaroglu B, Zobacı E, Aslar AK, Ozalp N, Ertan T, Koc M “Temporary Abdominal Covering With Bogata Bag” 13 th International Intensive Care Symposium, İstanbul, 2001.
B2. Zulfikaroglu B, Aslar AK, Ozalp N, Ertan T, Koc M “Drainage In Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Necessity or Obselete Policy” 9 th International Congress of The EAES, Maastrich, 2001.
B3. Zulfikaroglu B, Aslar AK, Ozalp N, Ertan T, Koc M “Use of Laparoscopic Methods In Combined Surgery” 9 th International Congress of The EAES, Maastrich, 2001.
B4. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Aslar AK, Koc M “Needle and trocar injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy” 9 th International Congress of The EAES, Maastrich, 2001.
B5. Zulfikaroglu B, Aslar AK, Ozalp N, Ertan T, Koc M “Iatrogenic gallbladder perforation during laparoscopic cholecystectomy” 9 th International Congress of The EAES, Maastrich, 2001.
B6. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Aslar AK, Koc M “The fate of gallstones spilled during laparoscopic cholecystectomy” 9 th International Congress of The EAES, Maastrich, 2001.
B7. Zulfikaroglu B, Aslar AK, Ozalp N, Koc M “Risk factors for conversion of laparoscopic into open cholecystectomy” 9 th International Congress of The EAES, Maastrich, 2001. B8. Zulfikaroglu B, Aslar AK, Ozalp N, Koc M “Abdominal wall complications following laparoscopic surgery” 9 th International Congress of The EAES, Maastrich, 2001.
B9. Zulfikaroglu B, Aslar AK, Ozalp N, Kece C, Koc M “Bile duct injury in laparoscopic cholecystectomy : analysis of 496 cases” 9 th International Congress of The EAES, Maastrich, 2001.
B10. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Aslar AK, Koc M “Wound Management in perforated appendicitis” Eurosurgery 2002, Lisboa, 2002.
B11. Zulfikaroglu B, Tekin A, Ozalp N, Ertan T, Koc M “Emergency abdominal surgery in patients aged 80 years and older” International Surgical Week’01, Brussels, 2001.
B12. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Ertan T, Kilic M, Koc M “Retroperitoneal giant liposarcoma: a case report” Eurosurgery’2002, Lisboa, 2002.
B13. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozmen MM, Abbasoglu L, Ozalp N, Koc M “Comprasion of polypropylene sutures and N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate on healing of colon anastomoses in rats” Eurosurgery’2002, Lisboa, 2002.
B14. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Bilgic I, Kilic M, Koc M “Major surgery with Guillain-Barre syndrome: a case report” Eurosurgery’2002, Lisboa, 2002.
B15. Zulfikaroglu B, Kece C, Aslar AK, Ozalp N, Koc M “The absent role of prophylactic antibiotics in elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy” 8 th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Newyork , 2002.
B16. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Aslar AK, Kece C, Koc M “Mortality and complications associated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy : analysis of 588 cases” EAES 10th International Congress, Lisboa, 2002.
B17. Zulfikaroglu B, Ertan T, Ozalp N, Bilgic I, Koc M “Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in elderly patients” EAES 10 th International Congress, Lisboa, 2002.
B18. Zulfikaroglu B, Bilgic I, Ozalp N, Koc M “A cost analysis of diabetic lower extremity ulcers” EATES’2002, Istanbul, 2002.
B19. Zulfikaroglu B, Tekin A, Ozalp N, Koc M “The role of computed tomography severity index in the management of severe pancreatitis” EATES’2002, Istanbul, 2002.
B20. Zulfikaroglu B, Zulfikaroglu EE, Ozmen MM, Berkem R, Erdogan S, Ozalp N, Koc M, Korkmaz A “The effect of immunonutrition on bacterial translocation and intestinal villus atrophy in experimental obstructive jaundice” ESPEN’2002, Glasgow, 2002.
B21. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozmen MM, Besler HT, Zulfikaroglu EE, Ozalp N, Korkmaz A, Koc M “Does enteral immunonutrition impact glutathione synthesis and prevent oxidative stress in experimental obstructive jaundice?” ESPEN’2002, Glasgow, 2002.
B22. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Aslar AK, Koc M “Extensive lymph node dissection in gastric cancer: evaluation of postoperative hepatic functions” 12 th World Congress of IASG, Istanbul, 2002.
B23. Zulfikaroglu B, Ozalp N, Kilic M, Koc M “Candida albicans infected pancreatic pseudocyst: report of a case” 12 th World Congress of IASG, Istanbul, 2002.
C. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler
C1. Zülfikaroğlu B, Özalp N, Keşkek M, Bilgiç İ ve Koç M, “Perfore apandisitlerde yara kapatma yönteminin yara yeri infeksiyonu üzerine etkisi”, Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi, 21(1), 33-36 (2005).
C2. Zülfikaroğlu B, Özalp N, Keşkek M, Bilgiç İ ve Koç M, “80 yaş ve üzeri hastalarda acil abdominal cerrahi”, Türk Geriatri Dergisi, 8(3), 115-9 (2005).
C3. Koç M., Yoldaş Ö.,Özalp N.,Kılıç M.,Göçmen E.,Karaköse N. “ Retroperitoneal Bölgede Sarkomu Taklit Eden Ganglionöroma Olgusu” Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2007, 27:802-4